Capacity Building: Conference, Seminars, Trainings & Social/Operational Research
Program Objective:
To build/strengthen capacities of social entrepreneur’s such as NGOs, Health practitioners & managers, allied workers from the environmental sector to those of Community care-givers and duty bearers on concepts, contents and competencies required for quality and sustainable sector based services while promote emerging innovation through research, knowledge-sharing, mentorship, conferences, and seminars, towards a knowledge based human society.
Also, Elohim Foundation Capacity Development program is designed to contribute to human capital development in Nigeria. The program provides a knowledge base for new and existing social entrepreneurs in growing their vision, avoiding the pit falls in the sector. This is achieved through various targeted schemes such as the organisational mentorship programs, and the national development summit among CSO, development partners and the academia. Invitations are received from interested individuals and groups on need bases while the NDS holds periodically. (Interested organisations can download the application form for possible engagement while the National Development Summit hosting is usually advertised.)
Our Vision is to attain sustainable human society.